Faculty Position Announced at the Univ. of Minnesota

The Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering (BBE) at the University of Minnesota in St. Paul has announced a faculty position that should be of interest to some of our readers:

Dear Colleagues,

We have an excellent leadership opportunity as Professor and Department Head in the Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering at the University of Minnesota. The Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering (BBE) is jointly affiliated with the University of Minnesota College of Science and Engineering (CSE) and the College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences (CFANS). As part of the major public research university, BBE has excellent faculty members conducting world-class research, top-quality students and vibrant and thriving undergraduate and graduate programs. This is a great opportunity for a visionary leader to work with a diverse group of faculty, staff and students and lead the department in developing and achieving our strategic goals and objectives in delivering nationally and internationally recognized programs in teaching, research and outreach. We would like to request you to please consider this opportunity, forward it to others and encourage qualified candidates to apply for the position. We would like to receive applications by April 11, 2022.

To see a detailed position description, go to the University of Minnesota job posting page at http://employment.umn.edu/ and search for Position #346487.

The 2018 Annual Meeting Just Wrapped Up

Pittsburgh was the site for our recent Annual Meeting, held Oct. 28 to Nov. 2. First, a solemn reflection. Sadly, the Annual Meeting came on the heals of one of America’s recent painful tragedies, a mass shooting in a synagogue in Pittsburgh. We are greatly grieved at this horrific act of violence. Participants at the Annual Meeting had much to ponder besides engineering as they confronted the reality of hatred and violence so close to where they were gathered.

The Annual Meeting went on, nevertheless, as will our prayers and yearnings for the victims and their families. May all of us, whether chemical engineers or not, work together for mutual understanding and peace, opposing anything that foments hate.

The Annual Meeting this year featured our Annual Business Meeting, as always,  and many dozens of outstanding presentations that our Division sponsored or co-sponsored with other groups. The listing of sessions for our Division shows remarkable content spanning the full scope of the supply chain related to forest bioproducts, forest biorefineries, and related issues of engineering and sustainability.

One of the highlights of the meeting was the recognition of one our most active members as a new AIChE Fellow. Hearty congratulations to Dr. Amar K. Mohanty of the University of Guelph for this magnificent award and for his years of service to the Institute.

More details from this event will follow as soon as our participants catch their breath….